Our Commitment to Safety

Our Safety Policy

Penzel Construction Company Safety Success Plan

All company employees, subcontractors and vendors with whom we work must recognize that operating in an unsafe manner or in an uncontrolled hazardous environment not only makes them and their fellow workers susceptible to the physical and mental pain associated with accidents, but also threatens the long-term viability of this company. In order to ensure the highest level of safety, we expect our personnel to work safely every day without injuring themselves, others or the environment.

Our expectation of ZERO accidents will not occur by chance. It will be the result of careful attention to all company operations by those who are directly and indirectly involved.

Employees, vendors and subcontractors at all levels must work diligently to achieve our commitment to ZERO injuries. Our safety program will be implemented by assigning responsibilities to all company employees, subcontractors and vendors. Our safety, occupational health, and environmental protection program has been developed to ensure compliance with federal, state and local regulations with particular emphasis on the OSHA and MSHA requirements that apply to our construction operations. It is the obligation of all employees to be knowledgeable of the standards established by these agencies and to implement the required rules and regulations on projects where they work.

A safe construction site or fabrication shop is organized, clean and efficient. If every employee views safety, occupational health, and the protection of our environment in the same way we consider all other aspects of our business, we will prevent accidents and improve the total performance of our company. It is therefore of utmost importance that all aspects of our safety program be followed. Any recommendations to improve our safety program are encouraged. I am committed to providing a safe place to work for all company employees, subcontractors and vendors.

Our Quality Promise

Our Commitment to Quality Construction | Penzel Construction | Jackson, Missouri

We understand the success of every project is achieved through a combination of design excellence; a detailed work plan; a highly-trained workforce; use of the right tools and equipment; a team-wide acceptance of quality expectations; and having controls in place to measure the caliber of our work. It is our responsibility to ensure the right materials and equipment are safely used, a high level of workmanship is achieved, and all client expectations are met or exceeded.

We believe quality should be designed and built into every project, and that it is a continuous process requiring the commitment of all project team members. Our team closely monitors the budget and schedule, measures quality, employs inspection checklists, practices safety, and ensures continuous communication between team members and the Owner. This process is efficient and effective, allowing issues to be identified in advance and mitigated before problems occur.